Development Communication: Reframing the Role of the Media edited by Thomas L. McPhail discusses the development of development communication from a historical and theoretical perspective. The book explores two main streams in development communication discourse: the first emerged after World War II with an approach that was oriented towards developed countries, focused on economic goals, and o…
Sowell unravels the world of intellectuals in order to illustrate an important social phenomenon: how the thinkers of a society mold that society, leaving an impact on people in every walk of life, even if these thinkers are basically unknown to the world at large
Buku ini, disusun berdasarkan tata cara bahan ajar dimulai dari anatomi permukaan dan bagian-bagian superfisial sampai pada gambar yang menunjang sekuens diseksi regional. Adapun materi yang disajikannya adalah punggung, ekstremitas atas, ektremitas bawah, toraks, abdomen, pelvis dan perineum, kepala dan leher diakhiri dengan pembahasan mengenai sitem saraf otonom.