This book provides contents and contributor information for a textbook on radiology and imaging. It lists 59 sections covering various body systems and medical imaging modalities. The sections include chapters on the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, abdomen/gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, skeletal system, head and neck, and neurology. It also lists over 50 contributors wh…
This book is a classic guide for trainees and practitioners with a comprehensive overhaul, this book successfully bridges the gap between advancing technology, terminology, and the emergence of new diseases. With its all-encompassing approach, this book serves as the ultimate resource for radiology professionals, eliminating the need for multiple texts on various systems and recent updates. Tra…
Buku ini merupakan buku teks ringkas tentang interpretasi radiologi yang menyajikan pengetahuan dasar yang sangat esensial bagi mahasiswa kedokteran dan orang yang bekerja di bagian rasiologi. Buku ini berisi petunjuk tentang pemahaman - pemahaman mendasar pada rasiologi, dengan menfokuskan pada kondisi - kondisi yang sering ditemui oleh dokter muda. Memberi penekanan pada pola penyakit yang se…
A fascinating guide on the psychology of crime Thinking of a career that indulges your CSI fantasies? Want to understand the psychology of crime? Whether studying it for the first time or an interested spectator, Forensic Psychology For Dummies gives you all the essentials for understanding this exciting field, complemented with fascinating case examples from around the world. Inside you'll…