Buku Cultural Studies: Teori dan Praktik karya Chris Barker memberikan wawasan yang mendalam mengenai disiplin studi kebudayaan yang interdisipliner. Barker menjelaskan bahwa meskipun studi kebudayaan telah ada dalam berbagai disiplin seperti sosiologi, antropologi, dan sastra, cultural studies memiliki pendekatan yang unik dan tidak terbatas pada satu mazhab teori. Dalam buku ini, penulis mene…
This ambitious book addresses the "end-of-philosophy" debate and the challenge it presents to contemporary philosophy, both continental and analytic. It is a chain of argument as well as a conversation conducted in the presence of the major contributors to that debate: the critics (especially Richard Rorty) of the dominantly Platonic-Cartesian-Kantian tradition on the one hand and its defenders…