Dalam The Talent War, Larkan Kerry menyajikan panduan yang komprehensif dan relevan untuk korporasi modern dalam menghadapi tantangan utama dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia: mendapatkan dan mempertahankan individu-individu bertalenta. Buku ini muncul sebagai respons terhadap perubahan dinamika dunia kerja yang kini lebih mengutamakan kesejahteraan dan nilai-nilai yang selaras dengan karyawan…
Buku Cultural Studies: Teori dan Praktik karya Chris Barker memberikan wawasan yang mendalam mengenai disiplin studi kebudayaan yang interdisipliner. Barker menjelaskan bahwa meskipun studi kebudayaan telah ada dalam berbagai disiplin seperti sosiologi, antropologi, dan sastra, cultural studies memiliki pendekatan yang unik dan tidak terbatas pada satu mazhab teori. Dalam buku ini, penulis mene…
Cultural Diversity and Global Media: The Mediation of Difference by Eugenia Siapera investigates the relationship between media and multiculturalism. The book summarizes and critically discusses current approaches to multiculturalism and media from a global perspective, and explores theoretical debates and empirical findings relating to this topic. Siapera adopts a new perspective on the med…
The fourth edition of Gender, Race, and Class in Media by Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez, Bill Yousman, and Lori Bindig Yousman is a comprehensive critical guide to understanding media through the lens of gender, race, and class. The book invites readers to analyze their own media experiences and interests, as well as explore current forms of popular culture, such as the Internet, social media, tele…
Virilio and the Media by John Armitage is a book that introduces Paul Virilio's important thinking on contemporary media culture. Through his works such as The Aesthetics of Disappearance, War and Cinema, and The Vision Machine, Virilio has changed the way we understand the relationship between perception, logistics, cities, and new media technologies. Armitage provides a theoretical context fo…