Digital Futures for Cultural and Media Studies by John Hartley is an ambitious work that describes the digital future through the lens of a pioneer in the field of media and cultural studies. The book provides an intelligent and humorous look at the changes taking place within the field and the way we are oriented towards them. Hartley investigates how multimedia is used by creative and prod…
Development Communication: Reframing the Role of the Media edited by Thomas L. McPhail discusses the development of development communication from a historical and theoretical perspective. The book explores two main streams in development communication discourse: the first emerged after World War II with an approach that was oriented towards developed countries, focused on economic goals, and o…
The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, Volume One (A-D) edited by Klaus Bruhn Jensen and Robert T. Craig is a comprehensive and definitive reference in the field of communication, presenting in-depth scholarly reflections on key issues from leading international experts. The Encyclopedia is accessible both online and in print. The book offers sophisticated ana…
The book Understanding Media Users: From Theory to Practice written by Tony Wilson is an in-depth study of the concept of “active audiences” in media studies. In this book, Wilson examines the relationship between media and audiences, describing the development of media effects theory and the analytical approaches that make up media reception theory. She explores various interfaces of media…
Buku Teori Komunikasi Massa karya Wiryanto merupakan panduan lengkap bagi para pembaca yang ingin memahami komunikasi massa dari sisi teoretis maupun praktis. Dengan susunan yang jelas, buku ini menyajikan lima bab yang masing-masing membahas aspek penting dalam proses dan efek komunikasi massa, serta peran pemuka pendapat dan kepemimpinan dalam penyebaran informasi. Pada Bab 1, pembaca dipe…
Buku Kriminalisasi dalam Hukum Pidana karya Prof. Dr. Teguh Prasetyo menyajikan analisis mendalam mengenai berbagai aspek kriminalisasi dalam konteks hukum pidana. Sebagai seorang pakar di bidang ini, Prasetyo membahas tiga tahap penting dalam proses hukum: perumusan, penerapan, dan pelaksanaan hukum pidana. Dalam bagian perumusan, penulis menggarisbawahi pentingnya formulasi undang-undang o…