Digital Media and Society: An Introduction by Adrian Athique is a book that examines the impact of digital media transformation on social experience in the 21st century. In an era where new forms of connectivity and communication are rapidly integrating into everyday life, this book serves as an in-depth sociological introduction to understanding the role of digital media in the broader social …
The Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Media edited by Karen Ross offers original insights into the complex relationship between gender, sex, sexuality, and media. The book brings together cutting-edge research that explores various aspects of the broad relationship between gender and media, going beyond simplistic notions that associate gender with men and women. The authors explore how gender no…
The fourth edition of Gender, Race, and Class in Media by Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez, Bill Yousman, and Lori Bindig Yousman is a comprehensive critical guide to understanding media through the lens of gender, race, and class. The book invites readers to analyze their own media experiences and interests, as well as explore current forms of popular culture, such as the Internet, social media, tele…
Development Communication: Reframing the Role of the Media edited by Thomas L. McPhail discusses the development of development communication from a historical and theoretical perspective. The book explores two main streams in development communication discourse: the first emerged after World War II with an approach that was oriented towards developed countries, focused on economic goals, and o…
Buku Teori Komunikasi Massa karya John Vivian, yang diterjemahkan oleh Tri Wibowo B. S., merupakan salah satu buku terkemuka dalam bidang komunikasi massa, menawarkan pemahaman mendalam mengenai berbagai aspek media massa, bentuk isi yang disebarluaskan, serta isu-isu terkait. Buku ini, yang terbagi menjadi tiga bagian utama, memberikan wawasan komprehensif tentang dinamika media dan bagaimana …